
happy mother's day pals!

sekarang hari ibu dan ini yang pertama kalinya gw ngasih sesuatu di hari ibu. maluu sih yaa, haha. tapi alhamdulilah suka. parahnya kuenya di abisin. gw ga di bagi. kejam -_-

she is the greatest gift i have. she is my root. she is my foundation. she is my everything. happy mother's day 'mama' i love you til the end :)


A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing


terrible toothache

oh my oh my oh my,,hadeeh sumpah ini gigi klimaks ga bisa dibuat ngunyah apa2an. abis dikencengin karetnya, jadi bgini. beginikah oh tuhan rasanya, penyiksaan ya!
udah mana gw lagi ngidam sengidam ngidamnya pijaaa , tapi belom kesampean gara2 ga bisa ngunyah -____-' ( salah afnan apa ya allah << versi baim kecil)
inikah tandanya sesuatu yg sensitif itu akan mengecil? AHAHHA ngarep yuu cin...


i love my december

hello world, gw cuma pengen bilang apa yah..haha senengg yaa udah lewat tanggal 9. semuanya masi pada inget ulang taun gw..hehe banjir sms banjir twitter banjir wall.ahh menyentuuhh :D
pagi2 nya pas bangun, udah ada kue disney kecil plus kado dari kluarga. ( ga bisa gw potoin kuenya, uda keburu kalap) kadonya ada dehh haha (sukurin kepo). pas dikampus dapet kado juga dari muti.hihi senenggg deh, nih nih ntar gw upload fotonya. sbnrnya gw malu yah ulang taun gitu, cepet mati tapi ko malah dislametin -_- tapi ya namanya juga tradisi ya ga. haha dan yah lu tau lah anak2 busuk ( baca: moron ) lagaknya selangit ngemeng2 minta gratisan di ramen -____-' tapi terima kasi ya ucapannya :*

smua tanggal di desember kayanya menyenangkan buat gw ehehe, tanggal 7 juga ko :)


7 december

its awesome..a year had passed. why the time was so fast, huh? memory on December 7th last year is still very clear. but that's just memory, and it is also not important :D haha yeah

tabuti..well..happy birthday, best wishes for you nyet :)



today's is my friday. oh no free day i guess. hehe because i have no subject in my college.
well this is also the 4th of my december. no surprises. nothing special. same as any other month.
dont know what happen. something's different. not as usual.
sometimes seems so hard to breathe. some people feels like a scrap-book.
they smile and cheering in front of the camera.
but fight then cry then treat the others bad behind. thats fake.
maybe im in. and i hate. i want to leave. but i cant.
it was stuck to me.

confused to interpret my blog?. same here.


my december,my world

gotchaaaaaaa, know what pals, this is the 1st in my december, this is special, this is awesome, this is my lovely time of the year ( blah,lebong deh gw).
today's also aids world day :) suddenly remembering when i became a blood donor committee in high school. can you believe it? I became a member of extracurricular youth red cross ?? you will say a BIG no if you're know me well -_- but it doesnt matter, at least i can proud of my self, when i tell this stupid stories in front of my children later *biggrin*
ok next..
if i was in the month of december, i fell like grawr,haha yeah i dont know how to describe. this month is different, december atmosphere is very yummy, very nyumnyum, very rawr, haha im out of control i think. this is not because of my birthday in december of course wakaka ( just little bit maybe :p ). and it will be much more different when im on fuckin 7th december. yes u are rite ppl, there's a stories behind which i couldnt tell in here ( kepo deh lo pada,haha sukur! ) im gonna skip that day, but oh well oh well i know its sooo impossible :') damn yaa.
just let it flow. or i'll sleep for a loooooooooooong in that day ( hibernate mode : on ) << (jayus yaaa)

alright pals have a nice day. enjoy your december, and you will see how wonderful this world :)